Welcome to the JmolShell download page

Available formats (choose one):

The files are all platform-independent, only the method of compression is platform-dependent. Anything you write on one platform should work fine on another (though most of my testing is on the Macintosh).

JmolShell last updated Sept 8, 2005 (pkgs below contain Jmol 10.00.36).

JmolShell.dmg Mac OS X Disk Image 3 Mb
JmolShell.sit Mac Stuffit Archive 2.6 Mb
JmolShell.exe Windows Self-expanding 2.7 Mb
JmolShell.tgz Windows/Mac Zip-compressed 2.6 Mb

Frequently asked questions

How do I edit the file index.html?

The file is a text file, so any text editor will work. In principle, you can use MS Word (being sure to save as text only), but Word is too smart and tries to present the page formatted. Unless you know what you're doing, this will confuse you.

On Windows computers, simply use the NotePad. On Macs, I reccommend the free text editor uEdit., by Joost Markerink. Recent caveat: it doesn't do so well with large files.

How do I embed static pictures in my presentation?

You use the following HTML command:

in which "MyPicture.jpg" is a JPG format file sitting in the same directory as your Story.html file. GIF format files (MyPicture.gif) also work just fine.

How do I get the molecule positioned properly?

In either JmolShell, rotate, translate and zoom to the desired view. Then type at the command line: [THIS FEATURE NOT CURRENTLY WORKING] The scrolling window will provide the command needed to get this view: MoveTo followed by a series of numbers. Copy this into a script for a button to set this view.

How do I view 2 structures simultaneously?

Not yet supported.

Can I prepare my presentation on a PC and then run it on a Mac or vice versa?

The format is identical and therefore computer-independent. All the files are simply text files, that you will run with your favorite browser, and thus should work on either a Mac or a PC. So you can edit your presentation on both types of computers. Before you do your final presentation you should test it -- ideally it will work on both systems since people will try it on the Web from either system.

How do I make a link pop up a new window?

<A HREF="http://www.chem.umass.edu" target="newwindow">click here for new window</A> The key thing here is the target="newwindow" addition to the standard link syntax. The name "newwindow" can be replaced by any name of your choosing, but subsequent calls using that name will go to that window (not a new one) - this can be used to advantage. Use different names in each call to be sure that truly new windows are opened.