Direct Assembly of Molecules

(1) Field, J. E.; Venkataraman, D. "Helix vs. Zig-Zag: Control of supramolecular topology via carboxylic acid conformation in ortho-substituted phenyl amines," Chem. Commun. 2002, 306-307. [PDF/HTML]

(2) Chen, B. L.; Lee, S.; Venkataraman, D., DiSalvo, F. J.; Lobkovsky, E.; Nakayama, M. “Packing principles of thioether derivatives of triarylamine silver salts,” Cryst. Growth Des. 2002, 2, 101-105. [PDF/HTML]

(3) Field, J. E., Combariza, M. Y.; Vachet, R. W.; Venkataraman, D. “Spontaneous assembly of a hydrogen-bonded tetrahedron” Chem. Commun. 2002, 2260-2261. [PDF/HTML]

(4) Devic, T.; Yuan, M.; Adams, J.; Fredrickson, D. C.; Lee, S.; Venkataraman, D. "The Maximin Principle of pi-Radical Packings," J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 14616-14627. [PDF/HTML]

(5) Benanti, T. L.; Saejueng, P.; Venkataraman, D. "Segregated Assemblies in Bridged Electron-Rich and Electron-Poor Pi-Conjugated Moieties," Chemical Communications 2007, 692-694. [PDF/HTML]

Pre-UMass Publications

Total times cited = 1263 (as of Jan 2008)

(1) Moore, J. S.; Zhang, J. S.; Wu, Z. Y.; Venkataraman, D.; Lee, S. "Modular Construction For the Programmed Assembly of Molecular- Crystals and Liquid-Crystals," Macromol. Symp.1994, 77, 295-301.

(2) Venkataraman, D.; Lee, S.; Zhang, J. S.; Moore, J. S. "An Organic-Solid With Wide Channels Based On Hydrogen-Bonding Between Macrocycles," Nature 1994, 371, 591-593.[PDF/HTML]

(3) Gardner, G. B.; Venkataraman, D.; Moore, J. S.; Lee, S. "Spontaneous Assembly of a Hinged Coordination Network," Nature 1995, 374, 792-795. {Times cited = 557} [PDF/HTML]

(4) Hirsch, K. A.; Venkataraman, D.; Wilson, S. R.; Moore, J. S.; Lee, S. "Crystallization of 4,4'-Biphenyldicarbonitrile With Silver(I) Salts - a Change in Topology Concomitant With a Change in Counterion Leading to a Ninefold Diamondoid Network," Chem. Commun. 1995, 2199-2200.

(4) Venkataraman, D.; Gardner, G. B.; Lee, S.; Moore, J. S. "Zeolite-Like Behavior of a Coordination Network," J. Am. Chem. Soc.1995, 117, 11600-11601. [PDF/HTML]

(5) Lee, S.; Venkataraman, D. "Organic zeolites?," Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 1996, 102, 75-95.

(6) Venkataraman, D.; Gardner, G. B.; Covey, A. C.; Lee, S.; Moore, J. S. "Silver(I) complexes of 1,4-dicyanobenzene," Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C 1996, 52, 2416-2419.

(7) Venkataraman, D.; Lee, S.; Moore, J. S.; Zhang, P.; Hirsch, K. A.; Gardner, G. B.; Covey, A. C.; Prentice, C. L. "Coordination networks based on multitopic ligands and silver(I) salts: A study of network connectivity and topology as a function of counterion," Chem. Mat.1996, 8, 2030-2040. [PDF/HTML]

(8) Gardner, G. B.; Kiang, Y. H.; Lee, S.; Asgaonkar, A.; Venkataraman, D. "Exchange properties of the three-dimensional coordination compound 1,3,5-tris(4-ethynylbenzonitrile)benzene center dot AgO 3SCF 3," J. Am. Chem. Soc.1996, 118, 6946-6953. [ PDF/HTML]

(9) Venkataraman, D.; Wang, P. W.; Moore, J. S. "9,10-bis{2-[4-(N,N-diphenylamino)phenyl]ethynyl}anthracene," Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C1997, 53, 241-243.

(10) Venkataraman, D.; Du, Y. H.; Wilson, S. R.; Hirsch, K. A.; Zhang, P.; Moore, J. S. "A coordination geometry table of the d-block elements and their ions," J. Chem. Educ.1997, 74, 915-918. [PDF]