Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, or NMR for short.

Task: interpret a proton (or 1H) NMR spectrum in terms of the structure of a compound. This will be necessary for the Alcohols, Aldehydes, and Ketones Exp, and an NMR problem will be given on Quiz 2.

Suggestion: interpreting an NMR spectrum is like solving a puzzle. Approach it this way. Many students actually find it to be fun.

Reference: NMR chapter and NMR sections in chapters on functional groups in any organic text.

Problems. Interpreting a lot of NMR spectra is the only way to become good at NMR interpretation. Any organic text will include several problems on NMR interpretation. Look at the NMR chapter and the alcohol, aldehyde and ketone chapters.

Note: I do not expect you to become experts at NMR interpretation or to devote a whole lot of time to this. Any NMR spectrum that you see on the quiz will be fairly simple. The NMR spectrum of your unknown alcohol, aldehyde, or ketone may be simple or complex. Unless it is very simple, you will not be expected to interpret it completely. You should however be able to get enough structural information from it to help with the identification of the unknown.

Also check out the alcohols aldehydes and ketones handout - it includes NMR interpretation.

revised Apr, 2007


Summary of NMR Interpretation

Slide 1. Four Features of a Spectrum.

Slide 2. Number of Signals.

Slide 3. Chemical Shifts.

Slide 4. Chemical Shifts.

Slide 5. Splitting Rules.

Slide 6. Draw Spectrum from a Structure.

Slide 7. Draw Structure from a Spectrum and Formula.