Chemistry Links That You May Find Useful

Note that the Collections of Links below contain much information, but it will take some searching around to find it. Also, this list in hardly inclusive -- it just contains a sampling of URL's that you may find interesting or useful.

Note also that web sites can suddenly become "cobweb sites" with some disappearing overnight. If you find that some of the sites below no longer exist or if there is any other problem with them, please let me know.

(updated 1/12)

Undergraduate Research

WebGURU A site about undergrad research.

Molecular Modeling and Visualization

JMol. A free (open source) molecule viewer for .pdb files. Pdb files of small molecules can be obtained on the web, for example by Googling ".pdb taxol". Pdb files for enzymes can be found, for example at the Protein Data Bank. (the page icon with the arrow next to the 1OCC downloads the .pdb file) JMol is used to open and manipulate the .pdb files.

CambridgeSoft. Makers of ChemDraw and Chem 3D software for molecular display and modeling. Educational discounts available.

Chemscape Chime. Free software for viewing molecular models in your web browser (requires free registration at the vendor WWW site).

Chime and RasMol Tutorial Site . Great site for modeling and visualization -- by Prof. Eric Martz of the UMass Microbiology Dept.

Wavefunction, Inc. (developers of Spartan Software). One can evaluate a student version for Mac or Windows for eventual purchase.

Free Software for Drawing Chemical Structures

ChemSketch from ACD. Windows only.

DrawIt. Part of a suite of freeware programs. Windows only.

MarvinSketch. Apple Macintosh, Wintel, or Linux (registration at the ChemAxonWWW site is required, but is free).

Commercial Software for Drawing Chemical Structures

ChemDraw from CambridgeSoft. Apple Macintosh and Wintel. Try Google searching for "ChemDraw student pricing" for vendors in addition to CambridgeSoft itself.

Literature Searching

Web of Science. An important reference and citation database (text searching only). Available through UMass-Amherst library system.

UMass Electronic Library Resources from the Integrated Sciences and Engineering Library (Lederle GRC lowrise, 2nd floor)

From the Yale Library. Some links may require a Yale login account.

ChemFinder, leads to an extensive database with information on thousands of compounds, most having links to much further information.

Collections of Chemistry Links

Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide

Chemistry Guide

Yahoo Chemistry Resources.


Periodic Table

Pictorial Periodic Tables.

American Chemical Society (ACS).

ACS Directory of Graduate Research.

Links to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's). (see also UMass Environmental Health & Safety)

UMass Environmental Health and Safety.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Site. Lots of data.

IUPAC Nomenclature

World Science

If you would like to recommend other chemistry related URLs, please send them to me, samal@chem( for consideration.

Organic and Inorganic Course pages

Chemistry Department Home Page

Chemistry Department Undergraduate Majors Information

Comments to Peter Samal, samal@chem(