University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Schedule, Spring, 2001

Extra hours are available in the Organic Lab during scheduled morning hours. During these times you may take mp's and weighings and consult with the TA on duty. NO OTHER LAB WORK MAY BE DONE DURING THESE TIMES. MAKE-UPS MAY NOT BE DONE DURING MORNING HOURS.

Chem 242: Tues, Thur, 8:00 - 11:00.

Chem 268: Thur, 1:25 - 5:30, Fri, 1:25 - 5:30.

Prelab meeting is in LGRT -113.

Chem 269: Lecture: Thur, 8:00 - 8:50, Hasbrouck-20.

Lab: Mon - Fri, 1:25 - 5:30, LGRT-301.

Schedules of experiments for the organic lab courses are given in the Schedule of Experiments/Links to Labnotes for each course.