Agapi Emmanouilidou
Agapi Emmanouilidou
Lecturer and EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow
Physics & Astronomy Department
University College London, U.K., September 2009-
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Chemistry Department
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, September 15 2008-
MPEG Movie: Three-body collisions in triple photoionization of Lithium
Education and Employment Highlights
University of Oregon, Eugene
Institute of Theoretical Science
Research Assistant Professor, September 15 2006-September 15 2008
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics, Atlanta, Georgia
Research Scientist II and Joseph Ford Fellow, October 11 2004-September 15 2006
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden,
Guest-Scientist: July 8 2002-October 11 2004
The University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D in Physics (May 18
Advisor: Dr. Linda E. Reichl, Professor, Acting Director of
the Center for Studies in
Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems, The University of
Texas at Austin, Austin , Texas
Ph.D positions available in theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics (May 2012)
A Ph.D position is available in the group of Dr. Agapi Emmanouilidou at University College London in the group of AMOPP Physics.
The aim of the Ph.D position is to explore the interaction of FEL radiation with molecules.
Interested applicants please contact Dr. Agapi Emmanouilidou at and apply online at the UCL web site.
Ph.D Students
Mr. Ahai Chen, Ph.D student, September 2013-
Mr. Henry Banks, Ph.D student, September 2014-
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Alisdair Wallis, Postdoctoral Fellow, November 2012-
Dr. Gianfranco Orlando, Postdoctoral Fellow, October 2014-
Dr. Duncan Little, Postdoctoral Fellow, November 2014-
Former Ph.D students and Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Hugh Price, Ph.D student, July 2010-July 2014, will be awarded the Carey Foster Research Prize for 2014. Congratulations Hugh!
Dr. Constantinos Lazarou, Postdoctoral Fellow, August 2010-May 2014.
Dr. Vahe Hakobyan, Postdoctoral Fellow, May 2012-April 2013.
Research Interests
My research interests are in theoretical and computational atomic and molecular
physics--in developing new tools to increase our understanding of
fragmentation processes using quantum, classical and
semiclassical methods. More specifically,
my research interests focus on:
- Short wavelength FEL processes in atomic and molecular systems:
- A. Wallis, L. Lodi and A. Emmanouilidou, "Auger spectra following inner-shell ionization of Argon by a Free-Electron Laser", Phys. Rev. A 89, 063417 (2014).
- A. Emmanouilidou, V. Hakobyan and P. Lambropoulos, "Direct three-photon triple ionization of Li and double ionization of Li$^{+}$", J. Phys. B 46, 111001 (2013) Fast Track Communication.
- Break-up of multi-electron atoms and molecules driven by strong fields and attosecond pulses:
- H. Price, C. Lazarou and A. Emmanouilidou, "Toolkit for semiclassical computations for strongly-driven molecules: "Frustrated" ionization of H$_2$ driven by elliptical laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 90, 053419 (2014).
- H. Price, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum and A. Emmanouilidou, "Frequency Resolved Optical Gating for Time-Resolving Intra-Atomic Knock-Out in Double Ionization with Attosecond Pulses", Phys. Rev. A 86, 053411 (2012).
- A. Emmanouilidou and C. Lazarou, "Multiple electron trapping in the fragmentation of strongly driven molecules", New Journal of Physics 14, 115010 (2012).
- A. Emmanouilidou, C. Lazarou, A. Staudte and U. Eichmann, "Routes to formation of highly excited neutral atoms in the breakup of strongly driven hydrogen molecule", Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 85, 011402 (R) (2012).
- H. Price, A. Staudte, and A. Emmanouilidou, "Time-resolving energy sharing in two electron collision dynamics", New Journal of Physics 13, 093006 (2011).
- A. Emmanouilidou and D. S. Tchitchekova, "Strongly driven molecules: traces of soft re-collisions for intermediate intensities in the over-the-barrier regime", Phys. Rev. A 84, 033407 (2011).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, "Prevalence of different double ionization pathways and traces of three-body collisions in strongly driven Helium", Physical Review A 83, 023403 (2011).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, J. S. Parker, L. R. Moore and K. T. Taylor, "Direct versus Delayed pathways in Strong-Field Non-Sequential Double Ionization", New Journal of Physics 13, 043001 (2011).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, A. Staudte and P. B. Corkum, "Time-resolving intra-atomic two electron collision dynamics", New Journal of Physics 12, 103024 (2010). Selected as one of New Journal
of Physics October 2010 Highlights and selected by the Editors to appear on IOP select. Selected in the BEST 2010 of New Journal of Physics.
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and A. Staudte, "Intensity dependence of strong field double ionization mechanisms:
from field-assisted electron recollision to recollision-assisted field ionization", Phys. Rev. A 80, 053415 (2009).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, "Recoil collisions as a portal to field assisted ionization at near-UV frequencies in the Strong Field Double Ionization of Helium", Phys. Rev. A 78, 023411 (2008).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and T. Uzer, "Electron stripping and re-attachment at atomic centers using attosecond half cycle pulses",
accepted Phys. Rev. A 77, 063416 (2008).
- Photon induced electron dynamics and
fragmentation of multi-electron atoms--multi-electron collision
dynamics and threshold laws:
- H. Price and Agapi Emmanouilidou, "Four-electron break-up geometries in beryllium", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 66, 96 (2014).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and H. Price, "Electron-electron collision dynamics of the four-electron escape in Be close to threshold", Phys. Rev. A 87, 043428 (2013).
- J. Colgan, Agapi Emmanouilidou and P. S. Pindzola, "Evidence for a T-shape break-up pattern in the triple photoionization of Li", Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 063001 (2013).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, P. Wang and J. M. Rost, "Initial state dependence in multi-electron ionization of atoms",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 063002 (2008).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, "Total quadruple photoionization cross section of Beryllium in a quasiclassical framework", Phys. Rev. A, 76, 054701 (2007).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, "Double energy differential cross sections in the Coulomb four-body problem in a quasiclassical framework", Phys. Rev. A, 75, 042702, (2007).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and Jan M. Rost, "Attosecond time-scale multi-electron collisions in the Coulomb four-body problem: traces in classical probability densities", Phys. Rev. A, 75, 022712 (2007); selected to appear in the March issue 2007 of the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and Jan M. Rost, "Triple photoionization
of Lithium near threshold", J. Phys. B, 39, L99 (2006).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and Jan M. Rost, "The Coulomb four-body problem in a classical
framework: Triple photoionization of Lithium", J. Phys. B, 39, 4037 (2006).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and Jan M. Rost, "Triple photoionization
of Lithium near threshold", (2004).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, T. Schneider, J. -M. Rost
"Quasiclassical double photoionization from the 21,3 S
states of helium including shakeoff", J. Phys. B, 36, 2714 (2003).
- Classical chaotic scattering in Hamiltonian (non-dissipative)
atomic systems and signatures of classical chaos in quantum systems:
- Agapi Emmanouilidou and C. Jung, ”A new way of partitioning
the phase space that is natural for scattering systems”, Phys. Rev E, 73, 016219, 2006.
- C. Jung, Agapi Emmanouilidou, “Construction of a natural
partition of incomplete horseshoes”, Chaos 15, 023101 (2005)
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, C. Jung, L. E. Reichl “Classical
Scattering for a driven inverted Gaussian potential in terms of the
Chaotic Invariant Set”, Phys. Rev. E, 68, 46207 (2003).
- Laser-matter interactions: a) transport properties of strongly
driven open quantum systems and b) attosecond science:
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, N. Moiseyev, "Stark and field-born
resonances of an open square well in a static external electric field",
J. Chem Phys. 122, 194101 (2005).
- L. E. Reichl, Agapi Emmanouilidou, “Photon Induced Chaotic
Scattering” in “The Physics of Communication”, Proceedings of the XXII
Solvay Conference on Physics, edited by I. Antoniou, V. A. Sadovnichy,
and H. Walther (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, L. E. Reichl, “Floquet Scattering and
Classical-Quantum Correspondence in strong time periodic fields”, Phys.
Rev. A, 65, 33405 (2002).
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, L. E. Reichl, “ Light Scattering in an
open quantum system”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 12/14-15, 2613
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, L. E. Reichl, “Scattering properties of
an open quantum system”, Phys. Rev. A, 62, 22709 (2000).
- quantum control--developing theoretical tools to coherently
manipulate quantum systems:
- Agapi Emmanouilidou, X.-G. Zhao, P.Ao, Q. Niu, “Steering an
Eigenstate to a Destination”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 1626 (2000).
Honors and Awards
"Control and Imaging of processes triggered by X-ray pulses in multi-center molecules", EPSRC Responsive Mode grant, awarded for the period May 2012-May 2015.
"New Directions for EPSRC Research Leaders" grant awarded for the period April 2012-April 2014.
Teragrid (SuperComputing Center in the US) Award for 1440K Service Units April 2011-April 2012.
EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship September 2009-September 2014.
NSF award from the TAMOP (Theoretical Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics) program: August 2009-August 2012.
Outstanding Student
Paper Award, for “Steering an Eigenstate to a Destination”, paper
[A2.007], presented at the Fall meeting of the Texas Section of the
APS, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 27-29 October, 2000.
Greek State Fellowship (IKY) for maintaining the highest GPA in the
Physics Department, University of Patras, Greece, 2 yearly awards
1991, 1993.
The article "Time-resolving intra-atomic two-electron collision dynamics" that appeared in New Journal of Physics 12, 103024 (2010) was selected by NJP as one of October's 2010 highlighted articles. It has also been selected for inclusion in IOP Select,
IOP Select is a special collection of journal articles, chosen by IOP Editors based on one or more of the following criteria: a) Substantial advances or significant breakthroughs b) A high degree of novelty c) Significant impact on future research. My work was also featured on the UCL Physics and Astronomy webpage.
Featured in section "Awards for the Highest Potential" of the EPSRC 2009-2010 Annual Report, with the title "Ultrashort and Sweet".
The article "Initial state dependence in multi-electron threshold ionization of atoms" that appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 063002 (2008) was publicized in the Physics Today, October issue 2008 in print, under the Physics Update section, titled "Coulomb four-body problem".
"Free-Electron Lasers and Attosecond Light Sources: portals to ultrafast dynamics in AMO systems", Conference at University College London, London, UK, June 30th-July 2nd, 2014. Main Organizer: Agapi Emmanouilidou; Co-organizers
A. Maquet, P. Lambropoulos, H. Sadeghpour, A. Staudte and J. Tennyson; 100 participants;
Topical Group: "Theoretical Challenges in Attosecond Laser Science of Atomic and Molecular Systems"
May 12-26 2008, at ITAMP Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Harvard University Physics Department.
Workshop Organizers: Agapi Emmanouilidou and Turgay Uzer
Recent Talks
TBA, “ 4th International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Nano and Optical Physics with applications” (CDAMOP 2015), March 11-14, 2015 in Delhi University, Delhi, India.
TBA, International Workshop on Atomic Physics, November 24-28, 2014, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
“Challenges in multi-electron ionization of strongly-driven molecules”, Frontiers of Intense Laser-Physics, July 21-September 19 2014, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
Discussion Leader for session “Multielectron ionization and coupled electron&nuclear dynamics”, Cost 1st XLIC Work Group 1 (Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules) meeting, University College London, July 3-4, 2014, London, UK.
“Attosecond phenomena in atomic and molecular systems”, International Workshop on Attosecond Science: Challenges for Theoretical Research, June 24-25 2013, Pohang, South Korea.
“ TBA”, International Conference on Atosecond Science, June 23-25 2010, University College London, London,
“Electronic correlation triggered by strong laser elds in atomic and molecular systems: a quasisiclassical
approach”, conference on Atomic Physics, November 23-27, 2009, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of
Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
“Electronic correlation triggered by strong laser fields in atomic and molecular systems: a quasiclassical
approach”, conference on Quantum Dynamical Imaging, October 19-23, 2009, CRM, Montreal, Canada.
“Fragmenting multi-electron atoms from single photons to atto-pulses” Invited Talk in the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, March 2008, Darmstadt, Germany.
Colloquium: “ Attosecond Time-Scale Collisions: A Tool for exploring how electrons escape during the Photo-Ionization of Three- and Four- Electron Atoms” Missouri S&T, Physics Department February 21, 2008.
“ Induced fragmentation of multi-electron atoms: from single photon to atto-pulses ” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 8, 2007.
“Attosecond Time-Scale Multi-Electron Collisions in Photoionization Processes”
satellite symposium to ECAMP IX on multiphoton
multiple ionization of atoms and molecules, Crete, Greece, May 2007.
“Attosecond Time-Scale Multi-Electron Collisions in Photoionization Processes”
ITAMP at Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Harvard University Physics Department, April 2007.
Colloquium:“Attosecond time-scale multi-electron collisions in the Coulomb four-body problem: traces
in classical probability densities”
University of Crete, Crete, December 14 2006.
“Multi-Electron Collisions on an Attosecond Time Scale in Photoionization Processes”
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Attosecond Science Workshop, July 31 2006-September 15 2006.
Colloquium: “Multi-Electron Collision Dynamics: A Key to Exploring Ionization Processes”
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, February 23, 2006.
“Triple photoionization of
Lithium near threshold”, International workshop on Atomic
Physics, Max-Planck Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems,
Dresden, Germany, November 29-December 3, 2004.
“Helium--above the three-body fragmentation threshold”,
International Conference “Dynamical Chaos in Classical and
Quantum Physics”, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Novosibirsk, Russia, August 4-9, 2003.