Chem 250 Course Grade Calculator

Use this to predict your overall Course Score and Grade.

Enter in the scores you have to date.
Then enter predicted scores for the remaining items.

Finally, click "Calculate" to estimate your overall score.

Quiz 1 Score 5%
Evening Exam 1 Score 15%
Quiz 2 Score 5%
Evening Exam 2 Score 15%
Quiz 3 Score 5%
Final Exam Score 30%
OWL Score 20%
PRS Score 5%
OWL Extra Credit 2%

Predicted Course Score

Score Breakdown

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D
89 85 81 79 77 72 70 68 65 57

Example calculation: a score of 89.0 is an "A"; a score of 89.9 is an A-