关于快乐的几种技巧 / Tips of
1。要有目标和追求 / Set goals

2。经常保持微笑 / Smile more

3。学会和别人一块分享喜悦 / Share happiness

4。乐于助人 / Ready to help others

5。并保持自己的一颗童心 / Have a young heart

6。学会和各种人愉快的相处 / Harmony with all kinds

7。保持幽默感 / Have a good sense of humor

8。要能处乱不惊 / Stay calm
in all situations

9。学会宽恕他人 / Willing to forgive

10。有几个知心朋友 / Make true friends

11。常和别人保持合作,并从中获得乐趣 / Collaborate with others and
enjoy it

12。享受你的天伦之乐 / Enjoy the family

13。保持高度的自信心 / Believe in yourself

14。尊重弱者 / Respect the weaker

15。偶尔放纵自己一下 / Relax yourself
from time to time

16。有空来论坛坐坐 / Get online during free time

17。具备胆识和勇气 / Have wisdom as well as courage

18。最后,不要财迷 / Finally, money is not everything
