Welcome to the UMass Department of Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Laboratories - CHEM-267 - Organic Lab for Chemistry Majors

Laboratory Director - Dr. Christopher McDaniel (mcdaniel[at]chem.umass.edu)

Laboratory Coordinator - Mrs. Raina Kittilstved


Click each experiment name for the handout and more information.

Check-In (start here for day 1 at the lab)
Melting Points and Thin-Layer Chromatography
Recrystallization - Part 1
Recrystallization - Part 2
Computational Chemistry, Structure-Drawing Software and Instrumentation
Acid-Base Extraction
Trimyristin Extraction from Nutmeg
Alkenes from Alcohols and Gas Chromatography, and SPARTAN Tutorial
Radical Chlorination of Butane
Synthesis of Cyclohexene, Gas Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy
Searching the Chemical Literature