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Vince Rotello

Education and Experience:

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, and Program in Molecular and Cell Biology 1998-present

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, and Program in Molecular and Cell Biology 1993-1998

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990-1993

Ph.D., Yale University, New Haven, CT, June 1990

M.S., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1986

B.S. (Honors) Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 1985

Honors and Awards:

1998-2000: Alfred P. Sloan Fellow

1997-2002: Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar

1997: NSF CAREER Award

1996: American Chemical Society, Connecticut Valley Section, Young Investigator Award

1996: Closs Lecturer, University of Chicago

1996-2001: Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar

1996-1997: Lilly Teaching Fellow, University of Massachusetts

1995: ISIS Research Mentor

1990-1993: National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

1985: American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry

Invited Presentations:


Gordon Conference (Bioorganic Chemistry), Plymouth, NH

Material Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT


CUMIRP Fall Meeting, Amherst, MA

University of Maryland-Baltimore County

NSF Workshop on Materials Chemistry

Fullerenes in Polymer Chemistry, ACS National Meeting (Presented by F. Ilhan)

Flavins and Flavoproteins 1999, Konstanz (Germany)

Temple University, Philidelphia, PA

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Williams College, Williamstown, MA

NSF New England Workshop on Molecular Modeling, Amherst, MA

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA


Brown University, Providence, RI

University of California, Irvine, CA

University of Nevada, Reno NV

Scripps Institute, La Jolla, CA

San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Virgina Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

University of Durham, Durham (UK)

University of Northumbria, Newcastle (UK)


Union College, Schenectady, NY

Merrimack College, North Andover, MA

CUNY- City College, New York, NY

SUNY Stonybrook, Stonybrook, NY

University of Teeside, Teeside (UK)

Tufts University, Medford, MA

Nora Harrington Lecture, Elms College, Springfield, MA


University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

University of Wisconsin, Madison WI

University of Maryland, College Park MD

Case-Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL

University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

Electrochemical Society National Meeting-Fullerene section, Los Angeles, CA

CUNY- Brooklyn College, New York, NY


University of Massachussetts Medical School,Worcester, MA

Amherst College, Amherst, MA

University of Sheffield, Sheffield (U.K.)

University of Leeds, Leeds (U.K.)

University of East Anglia (U.K.)

Parke-Davis Research Laboratories, Cambridge (U.K.)

Institute for Science Instruction and Study, New Haven, CT

Gordon Conference (Bioorganic Chemistry), Plymouth, NH

Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT

Current Funding:

National Science Foundation SBIR grant, "Detection of Halogenated Hydrocarbons using MIPS-based Sensors", 1/1/00-6/30/00, $100,000, (with J. Merrill, J.Penelle)

National Science Foundation, "The Interplay of Recognition and Redox Processes. Electronically Controlled Devices and Surfaces" 7/1/99-6/02, CHE-9905492, $320,000

National Science Foundation MRSEC Individual ($16,000/year) and instrumentation

National Institutes of Health, "Model Systems for Flavoenzyme Activity" RO1 GM59249-01 , 6/1/99-5/31/02, $540,000

National Environmental Technology Institute "Catalysis in Structured Media" $300,000 (with M. Tsapatsis, K. Ng, P. Westmoreland)

Harcourt Brace "Organic Chemistry CD-ROM" 6/1/97-12/31/00, $168,000 (with W. Vining)

Petroleum Research Fund "Smart Materials", 9/1/98-8/31/00, $60,000

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 9/1/98-8/31/00, $35,000

Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar 5/1/97-4/30/02, $60,000

National Science Foundation "Recognition and Catalysis Within Sol-Gel Matrices", CHE-9703466, 6/1/97-5/31/01, $240,000 (direct)

Research Corporation, "Models of Flavoenzyme Activity", 6/1/96-5/31/01, $50,000

Research Corporation, "Reversible Covalent Binding of Fullerenes to Silica Supports", $2,000