UMass Amherst People Finder
33rd Reaction Mechanisms Conference
RMC 2010

Conference Home

This is the archival site for the Reaction Mechanisms Conference that was held during 23-26 June 2010 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the Pioneer Valley region of western Massachusetts.

This website archives information about the meeting, including a link to photo album (below on this page). The conference attracted over 160 registered members, with 69 poster abstracts and 25 superb invited talks. People seemed to have a good time, and the science was top notch.

The quality of the meeting was in major part due to the support of the sponsors listed at the bottom of the RMC 2010 web pages. They really came through on behalf of the RMC, during a challenging economic time.

The organizers are also grateful to Wiley and the Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry for support of the special lecture by the JPOC Early Excellence in Physical Organic Chemistry Award winner Michael Bendikov. Additional support for the meeting was provided by American Chemical Society journals Journal of Organic Chemistry and Organic Letters.

The program chair for RMC 2012 is Chris Hadad of The Ohio State University. Hope to see you at that meeting!!

The RMC 2010 organizers.


For photographs of activities at the meeting, see RMC photo archive.

The conference group photo is shown below, courtesy of Lisa Korpiewski of the UMass Amherst Chemistry Department. Right-click (for Apple mouse use control-click) within the photo to get a menu to download the photo.


Postscript. On 3 Jan 2011, William von Eggers Doering passed away at the age of 93. Bill was a truly towering figure in physical organic chemistry and was the life blood of the Reaction Mechanisms Conference from its inception in 1946. We will miss him greatly at future meetings.

Read the statement sent from the RMC 2010 organizers to meeting attendees, or the article in Accounts of Chemical Research celebrating his career at his 90th birthday.




Last update: 01/04/2011

The RMC 2010 gratefully acknowledges financial sponsorship from the following organizations (point at the logo, or click through)