Exam Answer Keys:

1 10/01/99 v1



2 10/28/99 v1

2 Extra 11/8/99 Extra
3 12/3/99 v1

3 Extra 12/10/99 3 Extra

Look on the scores page to determine which version to download.

Exam 3

The results for the third exam are in. The scores are very low.

Average = 60 +/- 15
Median = 62

Exam 3 Histogram
Download copies of the third exam answer keys: For practice, download copies of the (slightly revised) third exam: The in-class quiz allowed people to regain up to half of the points they lost on the 4th question (only). As you can see on the answer key, the problem was quite simple. Many of you received a score of 100, but many of you didn't really know where to start. Consequently, it was hard to give much credit for many people's answers. Those of you who had trouble with this question, must review fundamentals of kinetics (you will see this on the final).

Exam 2

The results for the second exam are in. The scores were better than I anticipated. Hooray! But everyone can still do better - I'm certain...

Average = 74 +/- 12
Median = 75

Download copies of the (slightly revised) evening exam:
Due to a software glitch, I'm having trouble getting the answer keys for both the original Exam 2 and its revision posted to the WEB. Stay tuned - they will be here.

Scores on the retake ("extra") of Exam 2 were mixed. Some of you clearly studied, while others were hoping for divine inspiration. The histogram is shown at right. Despite the fact that I selected some of the more difficult questions, given that you pretty much knew the questions to be asked and that I answered many of them in class, I did expect a bit better.

Average = 75 +/- 15
Median = 80

Interestingly, some did better than last time, while others did worse. My congratulations to those who improved their scores. The important thing is that you learned a little more PChem than you might have otherwise, and that, of course, is why we're here.

Exam 1

The results for the first exam are in. The good news is that scores are high. Related to that good news is that I made an error on the 2nd half of question 2: on half of the exams, I gave you a problem which required an equation readily derivable from the equations on the sheet, on the other half I gave you an equation which is derived in the text, but whose derivation is substantially more complex. The latter challenge was unintentional. Consequently, regardless of what is marked on your exam, everyone received fulled credit for part 2 (b). Similarly, an error made during the exam resulted in confusion on one of the questions among the last 3 of question 1. Again, everyone gets full credit for that question.

The bad news is that you should not take these scores to give you a false sense of security. Some of you would have scored a full 24 points lower than you received. Such performance on future exams will not earn you the grade you desire. Look very carefully over your exam and decide what you need to do before the next exam.
