Previous Exams & Quizzes for Chem250

Study tip: after studying OWL and questions at the back of the book, close the book and put away your notes. Download the relevant "Questions" item below. Take the exam/quiz, with time constraints, and then download the Key and see how you did.

Please note that SOME questions on current exams may come from previous exams. Ability to score well on these is a good first step, but does not guarantee success on future exams.

Exam/Quiz Year version Questions Ans Key
Quiz 1 2007 v1 Questions Key
Quiz 1 2007 v2 Questions Key
Exam 1 2007 v1 Questions Key
Exam 1 2007 v2 Questions Key
Quiz 2 2007 v1 Questions Key
Quiz 2 2007 v2 Questions Key
Exam 2 2007 v1 Questions Key
Exam 2 2007 v2 Questions Key
Quiz 3 2007 v1 Questions Key
Quiz 3 2007 v2 Questions Key
Final Exam 2007 v1 Questions Key
Final Exam 2007 v2 Questions Key
Final Exam 2007 v3 Questions Key
Extra Quiz (special for '07) 2007 v1 Questions Key
Extra Quiz (special for '07) 2007 v2 Questions Key