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Friday, 2/15
(Lecture 9)
..... Finish Chapter 13 .....
Questions for Today
1. What ideas come to mind when you hear Thermo-dynamics ?
2. How much energy is needed to completely clear Goessmann Lab ?
1. Sugar + oxidizer + match = Trouble
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6
OWL Homework
6.1b Homework: Energy Conversions
6.2 Homework: First Law Calculations
Have a great 3-DAY weekend !
....but don't forget to do some chemistry.....
Monday, 2/18
President's Day - No class
Tuesday, 2/19
(Lecture 10)
Monday Schedule
Questions for Today
1. What is the study of Thermodynamics all about ?
Internal Energy
2. What do heat and work have to do with the First Law ?
3. How is the energy of a reaction measured ?
4. How are heat and temperature related ?
Heat Capacity - Csp
1. Ball and Internal E 2. Solar cell
3. Duck-on-a-bike, Internal E and Work 4. Flask + cork
5. Thermos
6. 1 ml vs 1000 ml of water
6.4, 6.5 ... Skip 6.7
OWL Homework
6.3a Simulation: Temperature Change from Heat Transfer
6.3b Tutor: Specific Heat Capacity
6.3c Homework: Specific Heat Calculations
6.5a Simulation: Heat Transfer
(Lecture 11)
Questions for Today
1. How are heat capacities determined ?
2. How do we measure heat flow ?
3. Why do they call it a BOMB calorimeter ?
4. What information can you obtain from bomb calorimetry ?
Energy content of foods
Food Calorie vs calorie, joule
1. Flask + Lid
2. Flask + Balloon
3. Bomb Calorimeter
4. Lecture Worksheet 6-1
Readings 6.8, 6.11, 6.12 ... Skip 6.9, 6.10
OWL Homework
6.5c Homework: Calorimetry - Coffee Cup
6. End of Chapter Questions - Parameterized
6.6a Simulation: Calorimetry - Bomb
6.6c Homework: Calorimetry - Bomb
(Lecture 12)
Questions for Today
1. What is the difference between Internal Energy and Enthalpy ?
Constant Volume v.s. Constant Pressure
2. What happens during a phase change ?
Phase Changes vs Heating/Cooling
Enthalpies of Fusion and Vaporization
Heating Curve
3. Do we need to measure ΔH for every known reaction ?
Hess's Law
1. Lecture Worksheet 6-2
6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18, 6.19
OWL Homework
6.7a Tutor: Phase Changes
6.7b Tutor: Enthalpy of Vaporization
6.7c Homework: Phase Changes
6.7d Simulation: Heating Curve
6.8a Tutor: Enthalpy Changes
6.8c Homework: Thermochemical Stoichometry
Have a wonderful weekend !
....but don't forget to do some chemistry.....
Friday, 2/22
... Q & A Session for Exam 1 - Cancelled Due to Snow !
(Lecture 13)
Questions for Today
1. Why does Hess's Law work for Enthalpies of reaction ?
2. Can we standardize the reactions used for Hess's Law ?
Standard Formation Reaction
Standard Reaction Enthalpy from tabulated data
Thermochemical data - Text .... NIST.... Sucrose
3. How do we interpret ΔHf0 in terms of an energy diagram ?
1. Lecture Worksheet 6-2
2. Lecture Worksheet 6-3
6.20, 6.21
OWL Homework
6.9a Simulation: Hess's Law
6.9b Homework: Hess's Law
6.10a Tutor: Enthalpy Change from Enthalpy of Formation
6.10b Homework: Enthalpy of Reaction from Enthalpies of Formation
Monday, 2/25
... Q & A Session for Exam 1 - 7:00 - 8:30 PM , GSMN 51
(Lecture 14)
Questions for Today
1. Does the enthalpy, H, relate to something physical ?
Bond Enthalpies - Interpretation
2. Can we summarize all of the ideas for Chapter 6 ?
Chapter 6 Summary
... Begin Chapter 7 ....
1. Lecture Worksheet 6-3
6.20, 6.21
OWL Homework
6.11a Simulation: Enthalpy Change from Bond Enthalpy
6.11b Homework: Enthalpy Change and Bond Enthalpy
6. End of Chapter Questions - Parameterized ... Extra Credit