Abstract Submission
The final list of speaker titles and poster abstract titles is given at the main schedule page (6/28/2010).
You must already be registered for the 33rd Reaction Mechanisms Conference in order for a submitted abstract to be accepted, please! Once you have registered, please follow the guidelines below to submit an abstract for consideration.
There are both early and regular submission deadlines for abstracts. Except for invited speakers, general submission abstracts will be for poster presentations at the meeting. However, the organizing committee will select some early abstracts submissions for contributed short talks (see below). Anyone selected for short talk invitations will notified by e-mail during May, after the early submission deadline.
The final deadline for general abstract submissions is 5 June 2010 at 12 midnight EST.
Abstract Submission Type |
Deadline |
Notes |
Early Submission |
1 May 2010,
12 Midnight EST |
Default is poster presentation, but considered for short talk invitation unless you clearly indicate poster only submission |
Regular Submission |
5 June 2010,
12 Midnight EST |
Poster presentation only. |
The plan is for all abstracts to be provided in a booklet to all full and student registrants. |
As of 6/30/2010, registration and abstract submission disabled.
Submission procedure (or, download abstract_template.doc)
1. Use one inch margins at the top and sides. Use Times New Roman with 12 point font. Do not exceed one page while leaving at least a one inch margin at the bottom. Abstracts of more than one page will not be accepted.
2. As the first line, center the poster/lecture title in boldface. If it takes more than one line, use single spacing. Capitalize major words.
3. After the title, leave one empty line, and center the names of all the authors. If it takes more than one line, use single spacing. Use First M. Last name format, separating by commas. Underline the presenting author name.
4. After the list of authors, leave one empty line, and center the institution name and address. When there are multiple affiliations, designate the appropriate connection by *, †, and ‡ after each author’s name AND before the respective affiliations. If it takes more than one line for the affiliation(s), use single spacing.
5. After the institutional address, leave one empty line, and enter the body of the abstract, singly spaced.
6. Please e-mail your abstract document [preferably as both a portable document format (.pdf) file and as a document file] to PML. (Please do not send abstracts or queries about registration to lahti"at"chem.umass.edu!!!!!) For the subject line of the e-mail, please write "Abstract submission for RMC2010".
All early submission abstracts will be considered for short talk invitations, unless you clearly indicate otherwise in your e-mail or on the abstract itself (see the abstract template).
Within the e-mail, indicate if you do not want your e-mail address listed in the abstracts book and list of meeting attendees -- as a default, your e-mail address will be listed.
7. You will receive a response acknowledging receipt of your submission. Further information about the timing of your presentation be availalble as the meeting is organized.